Sunday, March 29, 2015

Many Thanks, Everyone!

I am very appreciative of the enthusiastic hobbyists and breeders that have been inquiring about and purchasing my ranchu.  Thank you!  Besides funding the food, water and electric needs of my ranchu the proceeds from the sales of this spring's ranchu offerings are going towards several upgrades to the ranchu house. 

Three of the large (4.5 gallon) brine shrimp hatching cones will be added to the system this year. I've been using 5 gallon buckets to hatch large volumes of eggs, but the problem is that the bucket is flat-bottomed.  In order to keep the eggs in suspension the airstone must produce a violent amount of air bubbles and I've been getting an orange paste accumulation on the interior of the bucket, airline and airstone.  These are pulverized newly-hatched brineshrimp, pulverized by the extreme air bubbles.  The cone's design allows a small amount of air to keep the eggs in suspension.

Adding several large ponds will be a major focus as well and I'm currently looking at 8x4 and 4x4 sizes for about 6 new ponds this year.

Friday, March 13, 2015

2015 Breeding Pair (hopeful)

This combination represents bringing together the best from two parallel lines of my SxK ranchu. Line 1 is notable for dramatic features, great heads, potential for twisted backbones, light hibernating. Line 2 is notable for balance, powerful movement, good hibernator, symmetrical backbones, weak headgrowth.  My goal is to combine the dramatic features of line 1 with the balance and power of line 2. No spawns between these two have occurred yet, but the 2014 spawns fathered by the white male were exceptional.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter Water Change

I've been reflecting on exactly how long and difficult the winter hibernation here can be.  The mild winter has been a welcome pace for the ranchu, but there are still several months of cold weather left. It is too much for these ranchu.  I will need to discover the best solution for shortening the length of winter for my ranchu.

This is my most exciting group of breeders for this summer:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Visit to High Ranchu

Earlier this month I was treated to a visit to High Ranchu in the heart of Washington DC!  Alexander is a passionate & knowledgeable ranchu keeper & breeder.  He lives on the top floor of the tallest building in DC.... very high ranchu indeed! I admire his dedication to the articles he's written for his blog & his commitment to spreading knowledge of ranchu.... very helpful to many in our ranchu community.  I am inspired to create a beautiful pond set-up in my own house very similar to his:

Friday, December 12, 2014

Trying the Azayaka ranchu pellet

I will be trying the Azayaka Ranchu Pellet with my ranchu and I will report on the results.  The bags arrived quickly direct from Japan and were very well packaged with bubble wrap.  I will begin feeding the juvenile formula (blue bag)to some of my cbr & junior tosai straight away.  A lot of my adult ranchu are currently asleep in their winter hibernation, so I will test the balance (green) and color enhancing (purple) when the time is right.  Azayaka is available at my friend Alexander's blog here:

Update 3-20-15 My initial impression is that the Azayaka is a very high quality food. I will continue to use it this summer.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Spawn 3 of 2013. Photos from Oct 2014

These ranchu represent the entire group I kept from Spawn #3 of 2013.  I'm documenting the whole group as a way to see how ranchu that are selected as "most perfect in the group" at a young age can evolve over the course of growing into adults.  As these ranchu have now become oya age most exhibit strong swimming motion, superior body & high degree of balance but the problem with this group is unremarkable heads & wen.  This group shows none of the twisted backbone problems that arose in the next spawn, no.4.  2013 spawns #3 & 4 share the father Oishi Red & White and are from separate mothers.  Mother for spawn #3 has superior body, movement & balance with inferior head.  Mother for spawn #4 has superior head but lacks balance.