Sunday, October 19, 2014

Spawn 3 of 2013. Photos from Oct 2014

These ranchu represent the entire group I kept from Spawn #3 of 2013.  I'm documenting the whole group as a way to see how ranchu that are selected as "most perfect in the group" at a young age can evolve over the course of growing into adults.  As these ranchu have now become oya age most exhibit strong swimming motion, superior body & high degree of balance but the problem with this group is unremarkable heads & wen.  This group shows none of the twisted backbone problems that arose in the next spawn, no.4.  2013 spawns #3 & 4 share the father Oishi Red & White and are from separate mothers.  Mother for spawn #3 has superior body, movement & balance with inferior head.  Mother for spawn #4 has superior head but lacks balance.